Right of residence
First of all: I only speak German or English. So if you need someone to advise you on how to apply and e.g. B. helps you fill out the correct form, you are in good hands with one of the many multilingual colleagues.
I only come into play when it comes to legal action against unwanted decisions by the immigration authorities. I have experienced shocking things - not only from the departments dealing with the respective issue, but also from colleagues who, in mass operations, no longer had an eye for what was required under procedural law.
But that's exactly what you really need here. Like no other area of law, residence law is characterized by constant changes and politically motivated changes in trends - including in procedural law - which make it very confusing. Who, for example, B. who relies on Beck's DTV edition or a comment with "as of 2024" has already lost. Because then he will miss three extensive changes now, in March 2024. So it's not surprising that relevant loose-leaf works cost between 300 and 900 euros (!).